
Novell Talks about Problems with Exchange
Novell had dedicated a web page to discussions about GroupWise vs. Exchange.
They also have some interesting competitive information as well.

Ban OutLook Now !
This article by Steven Vaughan-Nichols of Enterprise magazine says it all - ban Outlook before it ruins every computer in your company.

Security Flaw in Microsoft Messaging
Yet another security flaw found in a Microsoft messaging product. Does your Boss know how lousy Microsoft's Messaging products are?

Microsoft Can't Even Keep Its Own Servers Running
After a five-day outage, Microsoft proved once again that it can't even run its own systems without devastating crashes seen by millions of public users worldwide. Microsoft's response to this? "We're still learning".

Microsoft's Messaging System Down for Seven Days
Not only has Microsoft been struggling to restore full service, but the company also shut down MSN Messenger as it restarted the network of servers that handle messaging traffic. That "reboot" failed to immediately fix the problem.

The NAS Recommends Microsoft Be Punished for Lax Security
A study released by The US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is calling on the US Government to draft laws that would punish software firms that do not do enough to make their products secure.

Another serious security flaw found in Exchange WebAccess
A security flaw has been found in the Outlook Web Access module in Microsoft's Exchange 5.5 email system. This flaw could allow unauthorized access to user's mailboxes, the company warned late Thursday.

Is Exchange the leader? You decide.
We were recently asked what we thought GroupWise's market share was and if we thought the product was viable in the future. If you're asked these questions by management, look here for some answers.

Novell Releases Details on Padlock Fix
As of November 23, 2001, Novell has released the details on the security problem that caused the need for the Padlock Fix. These details reveal how the security issue could be used to gain access to the username and password of a GroupWise account. DWS urges you to read the details regarding the patch, and to take actions to secure your GroupWise system.

Advansys Corporation Releases Formativ
Possibly the most significant upgrade to the GroupWise architecture in the last 5 years, Formativ allows Administrators to completely customize their existing version of GroupWise. Formativ turns GroupWise into a Business Problem Solver.

Even Microsoft Doesn't Think Exchange Upgrades Work
On Microsoft's Top Support Issues for Exchange 2000, # 7 is How to Roll Back from a Failed Upgrade to Exchange 2000. Now there's a vote of confidence for you! Microsoft recently removed this link so we can't show everyone, but you can find out all the problems with Exchange on their web site.

Exchange 2000: Proof of DOJ's Point?
ZDNet News describes why Exchange 2000 is so tied to Win2K that its its a huge cost and time drain to roll out, stating: "
Rolling out Exchange 2000 requires detailed configurations of Windows 2000 Active Directory and Internet Information Server, which is used to perform protocol management."

Novell's Comments on GroupWise vs. Exchange
See what Novell's comments are regarding GroupWise vs. Exchange. Read the lies Microsoft is telling about GroupWise, and other competitive information.

Gartner Group says to stop using IIS
Gartner Group has released its recommendation that companies should switch from using Microsoft's Web Server software called IIS to something more secure, due to all the security holes in the current product.

GroupWise Security Patch Released
Novell has released a security patch that effects GroupWise servers running v5.5EP (SP2 and SP3) and v6.0. While Novell is keeping the nature of the security patch quiet until its customers have had a chance to upgrade, DWS does recommend installing this very small patch. You can download the patch from or contact us at for a copy.

Look at the real cost of switching to Exchange
Is it any surprise that Microsoft is bleeding your IS&T budget dry? Just look at how expensive it is to switch to Exchange. Then you can start to figure in the salary costs of the extra Admins to run the Exchange system, and very soon you wind up in the poor house.
Next time Management wants to switch to Exchange, hit them where it hurts - the bottom line!

WebClipping Application released for GroupWise v6.0
This free extension to WebAccess allows wireless Palm OS devices (Pilots, Handspring, etc.) to get a graphical, interface into your live
GroupWise system. You can download this enhancement from Novell's download site. Look for the link entitled GroupWise 6 Wireless EP1.

Another bug in Microsoft's email architecture found
If you're getting pressure to move to Exchange, this article from InfoWorld may help persuade your Management that Microsoft doesn't now much about email. The gist of the article is that the SMTP component inside of Windows 2000 has a huge security hole that allows SPAMmers to exploit it. This SMTP feature is often used in Exchange sites for routing email. Whether it's security holes or viruses, Microsoft email products like Exchange keep falling short time and time again.

Novell fights back against Microsoft
For those of you that haven't read it, Novell has published a response to Microsoft's recent statements about GroupWise. No one is surprised that Microsoft has going overboard on stretching the truth when it compares the two products, and it shows how scared Microsoft is about GroupWise.
Now you can read the truth on Novell's web site. So the next time your Management is interested in switching to Exchange, show them this article, and remind them that the grass is definitely not greener on the other side!

GroupWise is Dead - are you kidding?
Rumors of GroupWise's Demise are greatly exaggerated. Read the article that discusses the email hoax that had a few people fooled. I wonder it came out of Microsoft's marketing department. I wouldn't be surprised.

Positive press articles about GroupWise
NetworkWorld - June 2001 Novell's GroupWise 6 is No. 1 with a bullet
NetworkWorld - June 2001 Keeping end users happy
NetworkWorld - June 2001 Novell Hits the Mark with GroupWise v6.0

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For more information please contact:
Dave Strickler
(617) 267-0044 x810



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