GroupWise Resources


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Anti-SPAM / Anti-Virus / Content Filtering
MailWise, a service from DWS, offers these services to free your GroupWise system from the endless clutter of the Internet, as well as saving you from the legal hassles of unsavory email content.

Extending GroupWise Functionality
Did you know you can effortlessly add dozens of features to GroupWise for a fraction of the cost of regular software? Formativ from Advansys Corporation has tons of extended features for GroupWise as providing you with the full source code to each one.
Why just listen to the Symphony when you can buy the Orchestra?

PDA Synchronization Software
Have you ever wanted to synchronize your Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or Handheld Computer with GroupWise? You can, and these links will help you find the software to do it. Remember that not all software works with all GroupWise features; most only synchronize Calendar items and ToDo lists, not calendars (v5.2) and email (v5.5).

Advansys Corp, maker of LinkWise for the Psion palmtop (Series5 and Series3)
Puma Technology, Inc., makes IntelliSync that syncs GroupWise and the PalmPilot.
SyncWise for GroupWise to PalmPilot syncronizing - works better than IntelliSync. DWS President, Dave Strickler uses this product.

VoiceMail & Fax Integration
GroupWise provides a Universal InBox. Why not get your VoiceMail and Faxes there as well? These products help you fully utilize the Universal InBox.
Applied Voice, makers of Active Voice and CallXpress3.
Biscom makes Faxcom, a GroupWise compatible system.
CallWare makes a GroupWise integrated voicemail system

Encryption Tools

S/MIME and PGP are the standards in the email industry. Find out how GroupWise integrates with them. S/MIME is native in GroupWise as of v5.5 through its GWIA.
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) from Michael Risch.

Integration Tools
Various tools to help integrate GroupWise with other software packages.

Decisive Technology Corporation, makers of Decisive Survey for Windows which allows surveys via email, including automatically compiling the results.
ContactLink, from, GroupLink, allows users of ACT!, GoldMine, Maximizer, and Sidekick to interface with Novell GroupWise. Other services include work with Informs integration into GroupWise.
PaperPort from Visioneer allows you to scan images directly into GroupWise.

Training & Documentation
Do you want your users to get more out of GroupWise? Try some expert training!
Brainstorm, Inc. produces excellent books and training materials for GroupWise in addition to providing training at your site.
ReCor provides well written CD-ROM based training. A free demo is available from their web site.

Remote Management of NetWare servers
Are you tired of waiting for NW Admin to open? WebConsole allows you to remotely manage your NetWare servers via a browser. Ask for a demo copy - you'll be impressed.
Demo of WebConsole


PDA Synchronization
VoiceMail & Fax Integration
Encryption Tools
Integration Tools
Training & Documentation
Remote Management

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